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Folkvord, Frans: Anschuetz, Doeschka J.: Geurts, Marieke: Watching TV cooking programs: Effects on actual food intake among children. [2020]
Staiano, Amanda E.: Marker, Arwen M.: Frelier, Johannah M.: Hsia, Daniel S.: Martin, Corby K.: Influence of screen-based peer modeling on preschool children's vegetable consumption and preferences. [2016]
Castonguay, Jessica: Kunkel, Dale: Wright, Paul: Duff, Caroline: Healthy characters? An investigation of marketing practices in children's food advertising. [2013]
Hingle, Melanie: Nichter, Mimi: Medeiros, Melanie: Grace, Samantha: Texting for health: The use of participatory methods to develop healthy lifestyle messages for teens. [2013]
Andaya, Abegail A.: Arredondo, Elva M.: Alcaraz, John E.: Lindsay, Suzanne P.: Elder, John P.: The association between family meals, tv viewing during meals, and fruit, vegetables, soda, and chips intake among Latino children. [2011]
Adachi-Mejia, Anna M.: Sutherland, Lisa A.: Longacre, Meghan R.: Beach, Michael L.: Titus-Ernstoff, Linda: u.a.: Adolescent weight status and receptivity to food TV advertisements. [2011]
He, Meizi: Piche, Leonard: Beynon, Charlene: Harris, Stewart: Screen-related sedentary behaviors: Children's and parents' attitudes, motivations, and practices. [2010]
Culp, Jennifer: Bell, Robert A.: Cassady, Diana: Characteristics of food industry web sites and "advergames" targeting children. [2010]
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